How complex is complex?
n.kottiyath at
Thu Mar 19 05:39:55 EDT 2009
On Mar 19, 11:29 am, Daniel Fetchinson <fetchin... at>
> > When we say readability counts over complexity, how do we define what
> > level of complexity is ok?
> > For example:
> > Say I have dict a = {'a': 2, 'c': 4, 'b': 3}
> > I want to increment the values by 1 for all keys in the dictionary.
> > So, should we do:
> >>>> for key in a:
> > ... a[key] = a[key] + 1
> > or is it Ok to have code like:
> > dict(map(lambda key: (key, a[key] + 1), a))
> Before doing anything else I'd suggest leaving your code as is,
> closing your editor immediately and not touching it at all before the
> One True Answer arrives from the PSF.
> Please mail your question (along with a self-addressed envelope) to:
> Python Software Foundation
> P.O. Box 848
> Hampton, NH 03843
> where python language lawyers will consider it in great detail,
> consulting GvR if necessary. Please do not try to figure this one out
> by yourself! The PSF lawyers are trained to do this, such things are
> better left to professionals, you don't want to shoot yourself in the
> foot.
> Once every nuanced detail has been carefully weighed in and a
> consensus has been reached among the Supreme Python Language
> Commission chamber of the PSF the appropriate answer will be mailed
> back to you.
> Now you should be able to open up your favorite editor and hack away
> knowing full well that nobody and nothing can stop you, ever!
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Psss, psss, put it down! -
I understand that my question was foolish, even for a newbie.
I will not ask any more such questions in the future.
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