Translating unicode data
John Machin
sjmachin at
Tue Mar 24 22:14:44 EDT 2009
On Mar 24, 10:30 am, Scott David Daniels <Scott.Dani... at Acm.Org>
> CaptainMcCrank wrote:
> > Hi list,
> > I'm struggling with a problem analyzing large amounts of unicode data
> > in an http wireshark capture.
> > I've solved the problem with the interpreter, but I'm not sure how to
> > do this in an automated fashion.
> > I'd like to grab a line from a text file & translate the unicode
> > sections of it to ascii. So, for example
> > I'd like to take
> > "\u003cb\u003eMar 17\u003c/b\u003e"
> > and turn it into
> > "<b>Mar 17</b>"
> > I can handle this from the interpreter as follows:
> >>>> import unicodedata
> >>>> mystring = u"\u003cb\u003eMar 17\u003c/b\u003e"
> >>>> print mystring
> > <b>Mar 17</b>
> > But I don't know what I need to do to automate this! The data that is
> > in the quotes from line 2 will have to come from a variable. I am
> > unable to figure out how to do this using a variable rather than a
> > literal string.
> > Please help!
> You really need to say what version of Python you are working with,
> how the code you tried, and the results you got.
Always very good advice, not often taken :-)
> Using Python 3.1, I get:
> >>> "\u003cb\u003eMar 17\u003c/b\u003e" == '<b>Mar 17</b>'
> True
Using Python 2.1.3 I get:
>>> "\u003cb\u003eMar 17\u003c/b\u003e" == '<b>Mar 17</b>'
>>> u"\u003cb\u003eMar 17\u003c/b\u003e" == u'<b>Mar 17</b>'
But so what? AFAICT from the OP's description and his joyous response
to Peter's suggestion, what he has (in 3.0 syntax) is not
"\u003cb\u003e etc"
b"\u003cb\u003e etc"
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