Puzzling: local variable in recursive function made global?
andrew cooke
andrew at acooke.org
Thu Mar 26 12:54:29 EDT 2009
it's not global, it's mutable. you are passing THE SAME FRICKING OBJECT
to is_terminal and appending values to it.
instead, make a new copy:
sorry for the shouting, but someone asks this EVERY DAY AND I CAN'T TAKE
Daniel Oberski wrote:
> Hello all,
> I wrote this function to recurse through a tree structure of Nodes
> connected by Branches.
> I use a local variable seen_nodes to mark off Nodes already seen by the
> function (i.e. add them to a list).
> What is puzzling me is that the local variable seen_nodes seems to be
> made global by Python. That is, Nodes from function calls 'lower' in the
> recursion order are still there after return. Even Nodes added by
> completely unrelated function calls on a different graph in the same
> program are in seen_nodes. This can only mean the variable is global, but
> I absolutely did not expect it nor do I understand why that should be.
> The solution was to delete seen Nodes before return, so I do not have a
> problem with the program. I am just very surprised by this behaviour!
> I was wondering if anybody can explain to me why the interpreter should
> behave in this way and where this is documented. The complete program
> with usage examples as a doctest is listed below.
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Daniel
> ----------------- graph.py -------------------
> """
> # The null graph:
>>>> Node('null node').is_terminal()
> 1
>>>> # An infinitely recursing graph: node1 --> node2 --> node1 --> ...
> ... n1 = Node("node1")
>>>> n2 = Node("node2")
>>>> b1 = Branch(next = n2)
>>>> b2 = Branch(next = n1)
>>>> n1.add(b1)
>>>> n2.add(b2)
>>>> print "Node 1 terminal?"
> Node 1 terminal?
>>>> print n1.is_terminal()
> 0
>>>> # A simple acyclical graph:
> ... # --> n3
> ... # n1 --> n2 --|
> ... # --> n4 --> n5
> ... n1 = Node('Start')
>>>> n2 = Node('Second')
>>>> n3 = Node('Third, first')
>>>> n4 = Node('Third, second')
>>>> n5 = Node('Fourth from Third, second')
>>>> b1 = Branch(next = n2)
>>>> b2 = Branch(next = n3)
>>>> b3 = Branch(next = n4)
>>>> b4 = Branch(next = n5)
>>>> n1.add(b1)
>>>> n2.add(b2)
>>>> n2.add(b3)
>>>> n4.add(b4)
>>>> print n1.is_terminal()
> 1
>>>> # terminal graph with a cycle
>>>> # -> b1 -> b2 -> b3
>>>> # a -|
>>>> # -> c1 -> c2 -> b1
>>>> a = Node('a')
>>>> b1 = Node('b1')
>>>> b2 = Node('b2')
>>>> b3 = Node('b3')
>>>> c1 = Node('c1')
>>>> c2 = Node('c2')
>>>> c3 = Node('c3')
>>>> a.add(Branch(next = b1))
>>>> b1.add(Branch(next = b2))
>>>> b2.add(Branch(next = b3))
>>>> a.add(Branch(next = c1))
>>>> c1.add(Branch(next = c2))
>>>> c2.add(Branch(next = b1))
>>>> print a.is_terminal()
> 1
> """
> # Total number of times the recursive function is_terminal has been
> called:
> num_calls = 0
> class Node:
> def __init__(self, name):
> self.name = name
> self.branches = []
> def add(self, branch):
> """Adds a branch to this node."""
> self.branches.append(branch)
> def is_terminal(self, seen_nodes = []):
> """Recurses from this node to see if *all* its branches eventually
> end up in a terminal node. Calling this on the source node of
> a
> graph establishes that the graph is terminal.
> Returns 1 if yes, 0 if no. """
> global num_calls # For debugging
> num_calls += 1
> if self in seen_nodes: # deja vu, we are going in circles
> return 0
> seen_nodes.append(self)
> # unfortunately seen_nodes is automatically made global by the
> Python
> # interpreter :-(. Instead of using black scoping magic I just
> delete self
> # from seen_nodes later on.
> num_terminal = 0
> for branch in self.branches:
> if branch.next: # Recurse through this branch
> num_terminal += branch.next.is_terminal(seen_nodes)
> else: # Found the terminal node ('sink')
> num_terminal += 1
> # necessary because of Python's weird scoping rules (see above):
> seen_nodes.remove(self)
> if num_terminal == len(self.branches): # all branches are terminal
> return 1
> else: # at least one branch is not terminal or no branches
> return 0
> class Branch:
> """A branch is an edge. It is found in a Node and points to what we
> can only
> hope is another Node."""
> next = False
> def __init__(self, next = False):
> self.next = next
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> import doctest
> doctest.testmod()
> print "is_terminal() was called a total of %d times." % num_calls
> --
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