Threaded alternatives to smtplib?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Mon May 4 03:40:34 EDT 2009

En Mon, 04 May 2009 04:19:21 -0300, Alex Jurkiewicz  
<alex at> escribió:
> Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
>> Without more code, it's impossible to tell if there is anything  
>> peculiar in your usage of the lib. Maybe you close your connections to  
>> fast to see several open?
> Here's the relevant stuff from my (python2.6) code:
> def threadProcessRecipient():
>     # Each thread has its own SMTP connection
>     smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP(SMTPSERVER)
>        # Each thread pulls a recipient entry from the queue to process  
> and loops until the queue is empty.
>     try:
>         recipientData = recipientQueue.get_nowait()
>     except Queue.Empty:
>         recipientData = None
>        while recipientData:
>         message = prepareMessage()
>         sendMail(senderEmail, recipientEmail, message, smtpserver)
>                recipientQueue.task_done()
>         try:
>             recipientData = recipientQueue.get_nowait()
>         except Queue.Empty:
>             recipientData = None
>        smtpserver.quit()

Try logging the start/stop of your threads. It may be that your threads  
stop before you think. The above code works correctly only if you fill the  
queue before starting any thread - because as soon as a thread sees the  
queue empty, it finishes.
You could use the sample code in the Queue documentation at the end of

Gabriel Genellina

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