hex(dummy)[2:] - issue...

MRAB google at mrabarnett.plus.com
Wed May 6 14:28:02 EDT 2009

Florian Wollenschein wrote:
> Hi there,
> I need some advice :-)
> I'm using hex(dummy)[2:] to represent a color in hexadecimal format for 
> the bgcolor in an html file. dummy is the color value in RGB of course...
> Now, if there's an R, G or B value of zero, this command only prints one 
> single 0 instead of two. What's wrong with the code?
hex() returns '0x' followed by no more digits than are necessary:

 >>> hex(0xFF)
 >>> hex(0xF)

Try "%02X" instead (it'll pad with leading zeros up to a width of 2):

 >>> "%02X" % 0xFF
 >>> "%02X" % 0xF

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