Why there is a parameter named "self" for classmethod function?

Steven D'Aprano steve at REMOVE-THIS-cybersource.com.au
Fri May 8 20:52:20 EDT 2009

On Thu, 07 May 2009 04:27:15 -0700, Aaron Brady wrote:

>> Can be, but if there's reason enough to keep it with a class, there's
>> no reason not to.
> That's a bit of hyperbole; the usual reasons such as code bloat,
> namespace bloat, maintainability etc. all weigh against it.  It's just
> that the benefits weigh heavier.

I'm not sure I understand. Whether the function is in the class or 
extracted out into the module, it is exactly the same function. (Apart 
from an extra level of indentation, and either an unused "self" parameter 
or a @staticmethod line.) Same amount of code, same difficulty of 
maintainability. Namespace bloat is also the same, the only difference 
being which namespace is bloated: the class or the method.


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