Background subprocess help?
dan.shumaker at
Fri May 22 21:53:34 EDT 2009
I'm trying to do something as simple as this:
"sleep 10; mail -s "test" dans < communicate_with_process &"
which executes immediately because it is backgrounded with "&".
or more generically in english:
"do some long process in the background; send me mail when it's done; allow
me to quit the tool that started launched the long process."
I've found several examples that are close but none of the permeatations I
try work. The closest examples I've found start sending signals to
processes and/or callbacks and 50+ lines of python code.
I found the cliUtils module which came close.. but no cigar.
I find it hard to believe that a one liner in bash/tcsh has to end up being
many lines in python. That makes me think I'm missing something.
Surely thousands of people have done this before -- start a background
process and want notification when it's done.
Anybody have any suggestions on modules to try or quick subprocess commands
that work? This came close but
no cigar too.
Thank you so much for any help or suggestions.
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