Network programming ?

Ralf Schoenian ralf at
Mon May 25 23:33:25 EDT 2009

thushianthan15 at wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am planning to develop a chatting software in Python, for my college
> project. I am using Windows Vista. Is it possible to do sockets
> programming in Python ? Any books or websites ?  Also, i want to
> develop a gui for that program. What are the gui tool kits available
> for windows? I already knew about PyGtk and PyQT, but will they work
> properly in Windows platform? Any suggestions?
> Thank you. Excuse my English.

You forgot to mention the other big gui toolkits tkinter and wxPython. 
Years ago, I decided for wxPython because of its licence and that it is 
useable at windows and linux. For the socket programming I would like to 
suggest using the xmlrpclib. You can find the official documentation 

Ralf Schoenian

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