Accessing files in a directory which is a shortcut link (Windows)
Tim Golden
mail at
Sat May 2 12:35:35 EDT 2009
jorma kala wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to process files in a directory which is in fact a short cut link
> to another directory (under windows XP).
> If the path to the directory is for instance called c:\test. I have tried
> both following code snipets for printing all names of files in the
> directory:
> ++ snippet 1++
> for filename in glob.glob( os.path.join(r'c:\test', '*') ):
> print filename
> ++ snippet 2++
> for filename in glob.glob( os.path.join(r'c:\test.lnk', '*') ):
> print filename
Windows shortcuts are Shell (ie GUI Desktop) objects rather
than filesystem objects. The filesystem doesn't treat them
specially; just returns the .lnk file (or whatever it's
called). You need to invoke the Shell functionality specifically.
import os, sys
import glob
import pythoncom
from import shell, shellcon
def shortcut_target (filename):
shell_link = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance (
ipersist = shell_link.QueryInterface (pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile)
ipersist.Load (filename)
name, _ = shell_link.GetPath (1)
return name
def shell_glob (pattern):
for filename in glob.glob (pattern):
if filename.endswith (".lnk"):
yield "%s => %s" % (filename, shortcut_target (filename))
yield filename
for filename in shell_glob ("c:/temp/*"):
print filename
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