Most Basic Question Ever - please help
cmpython at
Sun May 3 00:22:09 EDT 2009
On May 2, 4:36 pm, seanm... at wrote:
> I am going to try posting here again with more detail to see if I can
> finally get my first program to work.
> I am working on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.4.11. I opened a new window
> in IDLE to create a file. The file had only one line of code and was
> saved as I saved it to Macintosh HD. The one line of code
> in the file is copied below:
> print 'Hello module world!'
> I closed the file and tried to run it in IDLE and Terminal, but I have
> had no success. I'll paste my commands and the error messages below
> (for IDLE, then Terminal). Any help would be very much appreciated. I
> feel like the marathon just started and I've fallen flat on my face.
> Thanks.
> IDLE 2.6.2>>> python
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> sean-m-computer:~ seanm$ python
> Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Apr 16 2009, 09:17:39)
> [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> python
> File "<stdin>", line 1
> python
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Sean, also, keep in mind you can use IDLE to run
your scripts. After you have saved a script/program,
there is an option for Run in the menu, and then under
that, Run Module. The output of the script will be
sent to IDLE window indicated as the Python shell.
You can also just test code directly from within
that shell, though for multi-line programs, it is
easier within the composing window.
I suggest you sign up for the Python tutor list:
And you can search through their big archive of
questions and answers here:
The tutors there are great and super-helpful, and
will field any level of question but are particularly
good for absolute beginners.
Here is a tutorial on using IDLE:
And here is a very good general programming tutorial online
book, focusing on Python:
Good luck!
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