Open a dialog from MainWindow - pyQT4 - Beginner :-)
nickgaens at
nickgaens at
Tue May 5 09:45:25 EDT 2009
On May 4, 7:31 pm, Florian Wollenschein <Florian.Wollensch... at FernUni-> wrote:
> Dear folks,
> I'm just working on a pyQT4 version of my txt to html converter thc (see
> for details).
> I created the MainWindow with QT Designer and then converted it to .py
> with pyuic4. It works well so far. Then I created a new UI for my
> abtDialog (about dialog for my application). I did the same as with the
> MainWindow, so I have two UIs and two * files now. How can I open
> the dialog from my main application class?
> Here's part of the code I'm using:
> ...
> self.connect(self.actionAbout,
> QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.OpenAbout)
> ...
> def OpenAbout(self):
> pass
> ...
> The OpenAbout function should open the dialog. I've already tried a
> after creating it via abtDialog = ThcAboutDialog()
> (ThcAboutDialog is the class for this dlg).
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Listick Lorch
> PS: Keep in mind that I'm quite a beginner in the field of python and qt...
def OpenAbout(self):
# don't forget to connect the "Ok"-button of this about-dialog to
QDialog::accept() ;-)
ps: you could take a look at a QMessageBox::information or so to make
this more "simple"
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