Copy & Paste in a Dos box

Dave Angel davea at
Wed May 6 20:29:42 EDT 2009

norseman wrote:
> <snip>
> On a straight box - that doesn't work either.
> The select all does, but paste yanked something from hours ago.
> <snip>
Once you have Quick Edit enabled, paste will work using right-click.  If 
it got something from hours ago, then that must be the last time you 
copied anything to the real clipboard.  Note that some applications use 
a private clipboard to give extra features (like multiple clipboxes).  
But I suspect your real problem is you thought you did a copy to the 
clipboard from the DOS box, and you did not.

When you drag the mouse over the box, you *select* text, but do not copy 
it to the clipboard.  That doesn't happen till your right-click.

Then *another* right-click without anything selected will insert that 
new text into the command line.

Try the following on a DOS box (after enabling Quick Edit).  
Double-click on a "word".  Then right click *twice* to get it to the 
command line.

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