nickle at gmail.com
Thu May 7 11:45:06 EDT 2009
On May 5, 8:27 pm, Tim Golden <m... at timgolden.me.uk> wrote:
> Nick wrote:
> > Part of the problem is that the 'selection' needs to be in a config
> > file. I can put the if row['status'] != 'Cancelled': return True into
> > a config, read it and eval it, but its not quite as clean as ansql
> > route.
> Still not clear what the restriction is. If you were writingSQLyou'd have to read *something* from your config file,
> unless you're suggesting that the "config file" is in fact
> aSQLfile. Which is one way of doing it, but then you might
> just as well have your config file as a Python file and
> import it.
> Have I missed the point somewhere here? Can you give an
> example -- even a fictional one -- of what you couldn't
> do using, say, the example I gave earlier?
Solution found. In the end I used SQLite to read from a csv file, and
now I can query the CSV file. The file is read using the csv module
First create a function
def fraction(p, denom):
num, frac = p.split ('-')
return float (num) + float (frac) / denom
for use within queries.
Now build the class.
self.filename = filename
self.dialect = dialect
self.query = query
reader = csv.reader (open (filename, 'r'))
self.connection = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
self.connection.create_function("fraction", 2, fraction) #
Adds in function
self.cursor = self.connection.cursor()
first = True
for row in reader:
if first:
headers = []
for r in row:
n = r.strip().replace (' ', '_').replace ('-','_')
headers.append (n)
command = 'create table csv (%s)' % ','.join (headers)
self.cursor.execute (command)
first = False
command = 'insert into csv values ("%s")' % '","'.join
self.cursor.execute (command)
and then I can use this
self.cursor.execute (self.query)
rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
headers = []
for r in self.cursor.description:
headers.append (r[0])
results = Results.Results (headers, self.name, {})
i = 0
for row in rows:
results.add (row, i)
i = i + 1
return results
to query the results.
Results.Results is one of my classes that's reused in lots of places.
The query then looks somethign like this
Client_Reference_Number as TrdNbr,
Asset_Number as ISIN,
Quantity as Qty,
where status in ("CANCELLED")
Client_Reference_Number as TrdNbr,
Asset_Number as ISIN,
Quantity as Qty,
where status not in ("CANCELLED")
All incredibly neat and the first time I've used SQLite.
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