Simple programme - Just want to know whether this is correct way of coding
Lie Ryan
lie.1296 at
Fri May 8 03:16:59 EDT 2009
guptha wrote:
> Hi group,
> This is my first programme in python ,I need to know whether my code
> is in the right path of performance
> I wrote a code using multithreading to send mails
Can't you use BCC?
> The code Works fine ,but I doubt about the performance issue ,My
> intention is to send mails concurrently to large number of mail.
> 1.For every mail id i send It creates a new SMTP object,in case, if i
> send to 1000 or more ids
> a) It obliviously creates that much SMPT connections ,is this a
> right approach .
> Thanks in Advance
In a lot of cases involving internet, the bottleneck would be internet
speed. And for most purpose (except spamming) it is not really that
necessary to send so much email in so little time (assuming you send 1
mail per second -- which is really slow considering today's processor
and internet speed -- you can send 86400 mails per day). Larger mailing
list can also use BCC.
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