Public attributes with really private data
Mark Summerfield
list at
Fri May 8 08:44:19 EDT 2009
On 8 May, 09:52, Carl Banks <pavlovevide... at> wrote:
> On May 7, 11:37 pm, MarkSummerfield<l... at> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I had a quick search & didn't find anything _nice_ that produced
> > attributes with really private data, so I came up with a possible
> > solution---for Python 3.
> > (For Python 2 there does seem to be an approach although I'm not
> > keen on it:
> > )
> > Here's a standard class with one read-only and one writable
> > property that has a tiny bit of validation.
> > class P:
> > def __init__(self, w):
> > self.w = w
> > @property
> > def r(self): return 5
> > @property
> > def w(self): return self.__w
> > @w.setter
> > def w(self, value):
> > if value > 0: # Only +ve values allowed
> > self.__w = value
> > else:
> > raise ValueError("'{0}' is not valid for w".format(value))
> > The read-only property is completely private because it isn't
> > actually stored as such.
> > But if we do dir() on an instance, in addition to 'r' and 'w', we
> > also have '_P__w'. So the writable property's data is easily
> > accessible, and the validation can be got around:
> > >>> p = P(9)
> > >>> p.r, p.w
> > (5, 9)
> > >>> p.w = 43
> > >>> p.r, p.w
> > (5, 43)
> > >>> p.w = -7
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > ...
> > ValueError: '-7' is not valid for w>>> p._P__w = -7
> > >>> p.r, p.w
> > (5, -7)
> > Here's a class where I can't think of a way to access the private
> > data and set invalid values.
> > class A:
> > r = Attribute("r", 5)
> > w = Attribute("w", None, lambda self, value: value > 0)
> > def __init__(self, w):
> > self.w = w
> > The Attribute class is a descriptor that takes three arguments:
> > name of attribute, initial value (essential for read-only
> > attributes!), and a validator function (which could be "lambda
> > *a: True" if any value is accepatble).
> > >>> a = A(9)
> > >>> a.r, a.w
> > (5, 9)
> > >>> a.w = 43
> > >>> a.r, a.w
> > (5, 43)
> > >>> a.w = -7
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > ...
> > ValueError: '-7' is not valid for w
> > If we do a dir(a) the only attributes we get (beyond those from
> > object) are 'r' and 'w', so it shouldn't be possible to get
> > around the validation---at least not easily.
> Ok, I'll bite.
> A.w = -7
> A.__class__ = A_without_validation
> a.w = -7
> Attribute.__set__ = function_that_ignores_validation
> a.w = -7
I don't see how that can work? Sure you could replace the __set__
method, or the Attribute.__setter method. But neither can actually
change the hidden_value because AFAIK that only exists within the
scope of a closure and so isn't accesssible. (Well, maybe if you
started using the inspect module you'd find it.)
> I am not opposed to adding a little well-considered protection to some
> attributes where mistakes are prone to happen and/or dangerous, but it
> is futile to try to stop access entirely. There's just too many back
> doors.
Sure, but I like the fact that there is no "shadow" attribute, so just
"w" not "w" _and_ "_A__w".
> I would suggest that there really isn't much point in anything more
> complex than your first solution, which was to validate with
> properties and to store the value in a separate attribute.
> Respectable programmers won't lightly bypass your validation if they
> see that you've taken steps to enforce it. OTOH, once a programmer,
> respectable or not, decides to override your protection, they are not
> likely to be stopped by something more complex. So there is no point
> in making it more complex.
> Carl Banks
I think that's a fair viewpoint, but I still like the idea of there
being no _A__w available for property w.
Mark Summerfield, Qtrac Ltd,
C++, Python, Qt, PyQt - training and consultancy
"Programming in Python 3" - ISBN 0137129297
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