Nimrod programming language
rumpf_a at
rumpf_a at
Tue May 12 09:10:02 EDT 2009
> There are two showstoppers for me though:
> 1. Introducing a new programming language where the char type is a
> byte is anachronistic. You're saying that programmers don't have to
> care about the string encoding and can just treat them as an array of
> bytes. That is exactly what causes all the problems with applications
> that haven't been designed to handle anything but ASCII. If you're
> doing any logic with strings except dumb reading and writing, you
> typically *have to* know the encoding. Forcing programmers to be aware
> of this problem is a good idea IMO.
> You can certainly have a string type that uses byte arrays in UTF-8
> encoding internally, but your string functions should be aware of that
> and treat it as a unicode string. The len function and index operators
> should count characters, not bytes. Add a byte array data type for
> byte arrays instead.
It's not easy. I think Python3's byte arrays have an "upper" method
(and a string literal syntax b"abc") which is quite alarming to me
that they chose the wrong default.
Eventually the "rope" data structure (that the compiler uses heavily)
will become a proper part of the library: By "rope" I mean an
immutable string implemented as a tree, so concatenation is O(1). For
immutable strings there is no ``[]=`` operation, so using UTF-8 and
converting it to a 32bit char works better.
> 2. The dynamic dispatch is messy. I agree that procedural is often
> simpler and more efficient than object-oriented programming, but
> object-oriented programming is useful just as often and should be made
> a simple as possible. Since Nimrod seems flexible, perhaps it would be
> possible to implement an object-orientation layer in Nimrod that hides
> the dynamic dispatch complexity?
Yes, I already have an idea how to improve it.
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