Convert UNIX formated text files to DOS formated?
norseman at
Tue May 12 20:15:12 EDT 2009
walterbyrd wrote:
> I have about 150 unix formated text files that I would like to convert
> to dos formated.
> I am guessing that I loop though each file in the directory, read each
> line and conver the last character, then save to a file with the same
> name in another directory.
> I am not really sure what I convert the last charactor to.
Subject line says UNIX to DOS
I hope that means you are using a UNIX machine.
cat $1 | sed s/$/$'\x0d'/ >$
# end of file
I have utils on MSDOS that add the cr to get the crlf sequence
I wrote it for use in the rare occasion. (my definition of rare. :)
# rmcr.scr
# removes <cr> from text files
# Date: Feb. 2004
# by: SLT
# : file dressed up Dec. 2004
# a literal <cr> follows first slash following the s.
echo $i1
cat $1 | sed s/^M// >$i1._cr
# end of file
The ^M will needs to be entered at 'type in' time.
In vi it is done by pressing CTRL-V CTRL-M in sequence
DO NOT CUT n PASTE that line!!!
I have never been able to use the $'\x0d' in this file.
The MSDOS programs don not run on Linux, per se. 'Ya Think' :)
crlf \r \n x'0D' x'0A' CTRL-M CTRL-J
carriage return, line feed keep the pair in the order shown.
to use in UNIX:
(be in a bash shell)
for f in *.txt; do addcr.scr $f; done # going to MSDOS
for f in *.txt; do rmcr.scr $f; done # returning from MSDOS
if you run these on a binary - the binary is destroyed!!!
If you are in MSDOS, I have no help.
Well - see if you can find and download FILT.EXE (ver 1.0)
from the 1980 something era
FILT <Enter> will present the helpfiles
It's what I use. I set up batch (.BAT) files to expedite my desires.
Best of Luck
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