Returning dictionary from a function
Diez B. Roggisch
deets at
Thu May 14 18:01:25 EDT 2009
kk schrieb:
> Hi
> I am working on something here and I cannot get the full dictionary
> out of a function. I am sure I am missing something here.
> Anyways here is a simple code that repeats my problem. Basically I am
> just trying to get that values function to return the diky as a
> dictionary so that I can query values later.
> thanks
> def values(x):
> diky={}
> for a in range(x):
> a=a+100
> diky={chr(a):a}
> print diky
> return diky
> b=values(5)
> print type(b),len(b), b['f'] # gives error
> print type(b),len(b), b['h'] # does not give error
You are creating a new dictionary over and over.
dikiy[chr(a)] = a
is what you want inside the loop.
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