itertools question

pataphor pataphor at
Fri May 15 08:03:38 EDT 2009

Neal Becker wrote:

> Is there any canned iterator adaptor that will 
> transform:
> in = [1,2,3....]
> into:
> out = [(1,2,3,4), (5,6,7,8),...]
> That is, each time next() is called, a tuple of the next N items is 
> returned.

Here's one that abuses a for loop:

from itertools import islice

def grouper(seq,n):
     it = iter(seq)
     for x in it:
         yield (x,) + tuple(islice(it,n-1))

def test():
     L = range(11)
     n = 3
     for x in grouper(L,n):
         print x

if __name__ == '__main__':

BTW what's up with the followup to gmane?


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