File System Redirection Windows x 64 box.
Dave Angel
davea at
Fri May 15 09:02:46 EDT 2009
Rohit Srivastava wrote:
> Hi,
> In Windows 2003 x64, I want to call iscsicli.exe which is there only
> in system32 directory.
> Now since in x64 system windows actually redirect the 32 bit
> application to sysWOW64 directory, if it is looking for system32. For
> more information look for
> < >
> Now my application is being redirected to this directory and from
> python I am always getting an error saying, The program can not find
> the file specified.
> Any idea, how can I overcome this, using python? (Condition :: I must
> complie for 32 bit system only)
> Thanks in Advance
> Regards
> Rohit
My experience with Microsoft's 64 bit systems is limited to the Itanium
system (while it was still called Merced), prerelease.
Shadowing directories has to be a big mistake. And especially if the
directory is called "system32." Seems logical that there could be
another one called "system64". And that 64 bit applications would have
to have their sources tweaked while being ported from a different OS.
I remember FILEPATH and DATAPATH, in DOS days. It tried to
automatically alias directory locations on a file open, similar to what
PATH does for program launches. But many applications, when trying to
update their files, put the update back in the user-supplied directory,
so you ended up with two copies, one out of date. Big mess.
I presume the reason that iscsicli.exe is located there is that it's a
64 bit executable?
Why not follow some of the advice in the page you quoted? You probably
can't use SysNative, since it was introduced with Vista. But what's
wrong with Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection() ??
The page says it's available on Server 2003, as of SP1. If you can't be
sure SP1 is installed, I'm not sure what to suggest. A batch or CMD
file? Or are those restricted as well?
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