Parsing Strings in Enclosed in Curly Braces
google at
Fri May 15 13:25:55 EDT 2009
Chris Rebert wrote:
> On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 9:12 AM, <xamalek at> wrote:
>> How do you parse a string enclosed in Curly Braces?
>> For instance:
>> x = "{ABC EFG IJK LMN OPQ}"
>> I want to do x.split('{} ') and it does not work. Why does it not work
>> and what are EXCEPTIONS to using the split method?
> .split() takes a *substring* to split on, *not* a set of individual
> characters to split on. Read the Fine Docs.
>> That I want to split based on '{', '}' and WHITESPACE.
> Well, you could use a regex, or you could just .find() where the
> braces are, slice them off the ends of the string, and then split the
> result on space.
Here's a function which splits on multiple characters:
def split_many(string, delimiters):
parts = [string]
for d in delimiters:
parts = sum((p.split(d) for p in parts), [])
return parts
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