Adding a Par construct to Python?
jeremy at
jeremy at
Tue May 19 14:15:52 EDT 2009
On 19 May, 10:24, Steven D'Aprano
<ste... at> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 May 2009 02:27:06 -0700, jeremy wrote:
> > Let me clarify what I think par, pmap, pfilter and preduce would mean
> > and how they would be implemented.
> [...]
> Just for fun, I've implemented a parallel-map function, and done a couple
> of tests. Comments, criticism and improvements welcome!
> import threading
> import Queue
> import random
> import time
> def f(arg): # Simulate a slow function.
> time.sleep(0.5)
> return 3*arg-2
> class PMapThread(threading.Thread):
> def __init__(self, clients):
> super(PMapThread, self).__init__()
> self._clients = clients
> def start(self):
> super(PMapThread, self).start()
> def run(self):
> while True:
> try:
> data = self._clients.get_nowait()
> except Queue.Empty:
> break
> target, where, func, arg = data
> result = func(arg)
> target[where] = result
> class VerbosePMapThread(threading.Thread):
> def __init__(self, clients):
> super(VerbosePMapThread, self).__init__()
> print "Thread %s created at %s" % (self.getName(), time.ctime())
> def start(self):
> super(VerbosePMapThread, self).start()
> print "Thread %s starting at %s" % (self.getName(), time.ctime())
> def run(self):
> super(VerbosePMapThread, self).run()
> print "Thread %s finished at %s" % (self.getName(), time.ctime())
> def pmap(func, seq, verbose=False, numthreads=4):
> size = len(seq)
> results = [None]*size
> if verbose:
> print "Initiating threads"
> thread = VerbosePMapThread
> else:
> thread = PMapThread
> datapool = Queue.Queue(size)
> for i in xrange(size):
> datapool.put( (results, i, f, seq[i]) )
> threads = [PMapThread(datapool) for i in xrange(numthreads)]
> if verbose:
> print "All threads created."
> for t in threads:
> t.start()
> # Block until all threads are done.
> while any([t.isAlive() for t in threads]):
> if verbose:
> time.sleep(0.25)
> print results
> return results
> And here's the timing results:
> >>> from timeit import Timer
> >>> setup = "from __main__ import pmap, f; data = range(50)"
> >>> min(Timer('map(f, data)', setup).repeat(repeat=5, number=3))
> 74.999755859375
> >>> min(Timer('pmap(f, data)', setup).repeat(repeat=5, number=3))
> 20.490942001342773
> --
> Steven
Hi Steven,
I am impressed by this - it shows the potential speedup that pmap
could give. Although the GIL would be a problem as things for speed up
of pure Python code. Do Jython and Iron Python include the threading
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