sqlite3, qmarks, and NULL values
Jean-Michel Pichavant
jeanmichel at sequans.com
Wed May 20 08:56:38 EDT 2009
I fall into the same issue when using postgres. Your main concern is
that NULL = NULL will return False. Could seems strange but it has much
advantages sometimes, however this is not the purpose.
I found your solution quite acceptable. Just replace 'if y:' by 'if y is
None:', add a comment to point that #NULL <> NULL to help any reader
that is not familiar with db and you got a perfectly readable code.
Of course if you have more complex queries to build you'll have to think
about an elegant way to manage NULL values. I personally iterate trough
all my COLs and add a 'COL# = ?' if the value queried is not None. It
works, it's readable, it's simple, it's python :o)
Mitchell L Model wrote:
> Suppose I have a simple query in sqlite3 in a function:
> def lookupxy(x, y):
> conn.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE COL1 = ? AND COL2 = ?",
> (x, y))
> However, COL2 might be NULL. I can't figure out a value for y that would retrieve rows for which COL2 is NULL. It seems to me that I have to perform an awkward test to determine whether to execute a query with one question mark or two.
> def lookupxy(x, y):
> if y:
> conn.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE COL1 = ? AND COL2 = ?",
> (x, y))
> else:
> conn.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE COL1 = ? AND COL2 IS NULL",
> (x,))
> The more question marks involved the more complicated this would get, especially if question marks in the middle of several would sometimes need to be NULL. I hope I'm missing something and that someone can tell me what it is.
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