Multiprocessing problem with producer/consumer

MRAB google at
Wed May 27 10:44:48 EDT 2009

Wu Zhe wrote:
> I am writing a server program with one producer and multiple consumers,
> what confuses me is only the first task producer put into the queue gets
> consumed, after which tasks enqueued no longer get consumed, they remain
> in the queue forever.
> from multiprocessing import Process, Pool, Queue, cpu_count
> from http import httpserv
> def work(queue):
>     while True:
>         task = queue.get()
>         if task is None:
>             break
>         time.sleep(5)

The 'time' module hasn't been imported, so the worker raises an
exception when it gets to this line and then terminates.

>         print "task done:", task
>     queue.put(None)
> class Manager:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.queue = Queue()
>         self.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES = cpu_count()
>     def start(self):
>         self.workers = [Process(target=work, args=(self.queue,))
>                         for i in xrange(self.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES)]
>         for w in self.workers

Missing ":" on the end of the line.

>             w.start()
>         httpserv(self.queue)
>     def reload(self):
>         print "RELOAD"
>     def stop(self):
>         self.queue.put(None)
>         for i in range(self.NUMBER_OF_PROCESS):

Should be "self.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES".

>             self.workers[i].join()
>         queue.close()
> Manager().start()
> The producer is a HTTP server which put a task in the queue once receive
> a request from the user. It seems that consumer processes are still
> blocked when there are new tasks in the queue, which is weird.
> P.S. Another two questions not relating to the above, I am not sure if
> it's better to put HTTP server in its own process other than the main
> process, if yes how can I make the main process keep running before all
> children processes end. Second question, what's the best way to stop the
> HTTP server gracefully?

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