multiprocessing / forking memory usage
Randall Smith
randall at
Wed May 27 13:57:29 EDT 2009
Thanks Piet. You gave a good explanation and I think I understand much
better now.
Piet van Oostrum wrote:
>>>>>> Randall Smith <randall at> (RS) wrote:
>> RS> I'm trying to get a grasp on how memory usage is affected when forking as
>> RS> the multiprocessing module does. I've got a program with a parent process
>> RS> using wx and other memory intensive modules. It spawns child processes (by
>> RS> forking) that should be very lean (no wx required, etc). Based on
>> RS> inspection using "ps v" and psutil, the memory usage (rss) is much higher
>> RS> than I would expect for the subprocess.
> The child is a clone of the parent. So both its virtual memory usage and
> its resident memory usage will be equal to the parent's ones immediately
> after the fork(). But the actual physical memory has only one copy
> resident, although ps will show it on both processes (at least I think
> that's how ps works). Of course later they will diverge.
>> RS> My understanding is that COW is used when forking (on Linux).
> I think this is true of all modern Unix systems.
>> RS> So maybe "ps v pid" is reflecting that. If that's the case, is
>> RS> there a way to better determine the child's memory usage?
> Define `memory usage' in the light of the above.
> As long as the parent is still around and you don't run out of virtual
> memory in the child, not much harm is done.
> If the parent stops and you don't run out of virtual memory in the
> child, the excessive pages will eventually be paged out, and then no
> longer occupy physical memory. As long as you have enough swap space it
> shouldn't be a big problem. The extra paging activity is a bit of a
> loss, however.
> If you run out of virtual memory in the child you have a problem, however.
>> RS> If it's not the case and I'm using
>> RS> modules I don't need, how can I reduce the memory usage to what the child
>> RS> actually uses instead of including everything the parent is using?
> The best would be to fork the child before you import the excess modules
> in the parent. If that is not possible you could try to delete as much
> in the child as you can, for example by
> del wx; del sys.modules['wx'] etc, delete all variables that you don't
> need, and hope the garbage collector will clean up enough. But it will
> make you application quite complicated. From the python level you can't
> get rid of loaded shared libraries, however. And trying to do that from
> the C level is probably close to committing suicide.
> My advise: don't worry until you really experience memory problems.
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