nntplib.NNTPTemporaryError: 441 Article has no body -- just headers

Jon Bendtsen noone at example.com
Thu May 28 04:36:25 EDT 2009

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Wed, 27 May 2009 14:25:58 +0200, Jon Bendtsen <noone at example.com>
> declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
>> 'From: root at laerdal.dk\nSubject: testing\nNewsgroups: test\nBody:
>> \n\n\nfoobar\n\n\n.\n\n\n'
> 	I believe NNTP, like SMTP, requires \r\n line termination.

I will try it, but why does it then work when it posts the file? The
file is a std. unix file, so it should also only have \n line

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