Python, Tkinter and popen problem
google at
Thu May 28 16:44:16 EDT 2009
norseman wrote:
> I have tried both and Popen2.popen2().
> os.popen runs both way, contrary to docs.
> #
> import os
> # both lines work same
> #xx= os.popen("/mnt/mass/py/").readlines()
> xx= os.popen("/mnt/mass/py/",'r',1).readlines()
readlines() returns only when all the lines have been read, which is
when the child quits and the pipe closes. Try reading only one line at a
time. When the pipe closes the readline() will return ''.
> # I had hoped small buffer would force a sync (flush())
> # No such luck.
> for i in xx:
> print "\t"+i[:-1]
> #"""
> # end of file
> The "\t" is to prove where the screen output came from.
> ========================================================
> ========================================================
> From Peter __peter__ at
>> Nonsense. The minimal Tkinter program is
>> from Tkinter import Tk
>> root = Tk()
>> root.mainloop()
> Just to be clear, that's as much a minimal program as
> #
> import os
> import sys
> import array
> from array import *
> import Tkinter
> from Tkinter import *
> from Tkconstants import *
> #
> def AttPanel():
> def PlaceIt():
> sys.stdout.write( "Switching to ESRI for placement\n")
> sys.stdout.flush()
> sys.stdout.flush()
No need to flush twice in a row.
> #print "Switching to ESRI for placement"
> ##zatt= bl_x+bl_y+acrs+c1+c2[2:]+c3[2:]+'\n'
> zatt='123456\n'
> #print zatt
> sys.stdout.write(zatt)
> sys.stdout.flush()
> #set system variable to zatt
> root.withdraw()
> #root.iconify()
> while raw_input() != ' ':
> pass
> root.deiconify()
> def CRASH():
> print "\nCRASH Initiated\n"
> exit(1)
> #
> root = Tk()
> LU = Frame(root)
> LU.pack(fill="both", expand=1)
> f1 = Frame(LU, relief = GROOVE, bd = 2)
> f1.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
> Button(f1, width= 45, state= DISABLED).grid(row= 0, column= 0)
> Button(f1, text= "Place Attribute", fg= "black", bg= "green",
> anchor= N, command = PlaceIt).grid(row = 0, column = 1)
> Button(f1, width= 45, state= DISABLED).grid(row= 0, column= 2)
> Button(f1, text= "Cancel Attributing", fg= "white", bg= "red",
> anchor= E, command= CRASH).grid(row = 0, column = 3)
> f1.pack()
> #
> root.mainloop()
> #---------------#
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> while TRUE:
> AttPanel()
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