extract to dictionaries
Gary Herron
gherron at islandtraining.com
Fri May 29 11:22:12 EDT 2009
Marius Retegan wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Gary Herron
> <gherron at islandtraining.com <mailto:gherron at islandtraining.com>> wrote:
> Marius Retegan wrote:
> Hello
> I have simple text file that I have to parse. It looks
> something like
> this:
> parameters1
> key1 value1
> key2 value2
> end
> parameters2
> key1 value1
> key2 value2
> end
> So I want to create two dictionaries parameters1={key1:value1,
> key2:value2} and the same for parameters2.
> I would appreciate any help that could help me solve this.
> Thank you
> This looks like a homework problem.
> It's not. I'm passed homework age.
> But even if it's not, you are not likely to find someone who is
> willing to put more work into this problem than you have.
> So why don't you show us what you've tried, and see if someone is
> willing to make suggestions or answer specific question about your
> attempt at a solution?
> I don't now if posting a code that gets into a while loop and never
> stops would demonstrate to you that I've tried. Be assured that before
> posting to the list I did try to solve it myself, because I knew that
> I might get an answer like RTFM or similar.
> Maybe I'm not smart enough, but I can't make python to start reading
> after the "parameter1" line and stop at the "end" line. That's all I
> want a small piece of pseudocode to do just that.
OK. Assuming you are open a file with something like:
f = open('data', 'r')
Then this will read lines up to the first "parameters" line
for line in f:
if line.startswith('parameters'):
At this point, line contains 'parameters1\n'. Do with it as you will.
Then read and process lines until an end line is reached
for line in f:
if line.beginswith('end'):
# Here line contains ' key1 value1\n'.
# Perhaps use line.strip to remove the white space on each end
# and k,v =line.split() to split out the two values on the line.
You'll need more:
A loop to keep the above two going until the end of file
A way to recognize the end of the file.
Gary Herron
> Thanks
> Gary Herron
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