Can I run a python program from within emacs?

Robinson WanderingAengus at
Sun Nov 1 09:20:06 EST 2009

I have also just started with both Aquamacs and Python so I ask for  
your patience as well.
When I evaluate the buffer (C-c C-C) I don't see any response or  
output from my python program. Should another buffer open  
automatically? Should a terminal window open?
thanks for your patience.
Rugbeia Floreat Ubique

> On Mar 20, 3:09 pm, jmDesktop <needin4mat... at> wrote:
> > Hi, I'm trying to learn Python.  I using Aquamac an emac
> > implementation with mac os x.  I have a program.  If I go to the
> > command prompt and type pythong, it works.  Can the  
> program
> > be run from within the editor or is that not how development is  
> done?
> > I ask because I was using Visual Studio with C# and, if you're
> > familiar, you just hit run and it works.  On Python do I use the
> > editor for editing only and then run the program from the command
> > line?  Thank you.
> Aquamacs, just like any variant of GNU Emacs, will show a Python
> menu.  There's a "Start Interpreter" function, and one to evaluate the
> buffer (C-c C-c).  It's pretty straightforward (a euphemism for
> obvious).
> If the Python menu doesn't show, then something is going wrong. M-x
> python-mode RET would switch it on.
> --
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