is None or == None ?

Alf P. Steinbach alfps at
Fri Nov 6 08:35:14 EST 2009

* mk:
> Hello,
> Some claim that one should test for None using:
> if x is None:
> ..but the standard equality which is theoretically safer works as well:
> if x == None:
> So, which one is recommended?
> Can there be two None objects in interpreter's memory? Is testing for 
> identity of some variable with None safe? Does language guarantee that? 
> Or is it just property of implementation?

As I understand it, 'is' will always work and will always be efficient (it just 
checks the variable's type), while '==' can depend on the implementation of 
equality checking for the other operand's class.

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf

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