bus error in Py_Finalize with ctypes imported
robince at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 09:14:58 EST 2009
I am trying to embed Python in a MATLAB mex function. This is loaded
into the MATLAB interpreter - I would like the Python interpreter to
be initialized once and stay there for future calls. I added a call to
Py_Finalize as a mexAtExit handler which is called when the library is
unloaded in MATLAB (with clear funcname) or when MATLAB shuts down. So
far, things were working well, but I get a random but easily
repeatable bus error in Py_Finalize if I have imported ctypes.
Here is my code:
#include <mex.h>
#include <Python/Python.h>
static int PYRUNNING = 0;
static void Cleanup(void)
mexPrintf("Finalising Python...\n");
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const
mexPrintf("hello from mex\n");
PyRun_SimpleString("import ctypes");
PyRun_SimpleString("print 'hello from python'");
If I load, run the function, and unload many times eventually I get
the following stack trace (whcih i don't get if I'm not import
ctypes). Does anyone have any idea what might be up? Could it be a bug
in Py_Finalize or ctypes? Is there a problem with my approach (ie is
it bad to leave the interpreter initialized between mex function calls
- it seems to work provided ctypes is not imported - but I need ctypes
to access other mex functions from python).
Bus error detected at Fri Nov 13 14:06:12 2009
MATLAB Version: (R2009a)
MATLAB License: 161051
Operating System: Darwin 10.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.0.0: Fri
Jul 31 22:47:34 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1456.1.25~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
Window System: The X.Org Foundation (10402000), display /tmp/
Current Visual: 0x24 (class 4, depth 24)
Processor ID: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine: Java 1.6.0_15-b03-219 with Apple Inc. Java HotSpot
(TM) Client VM mixed mode
Default Encoding: ISO-8859-1
Fault Count: 1
Register State:
eax = 00000000 ebx = 3483d9be
ecx = 33ff7620 edx = 00000000
esi = 32fb4dc0 edi = 0000001a
ebp = b0b69938 esp = b0b69920
eip = 3485559f flg = 00010282
Stack Trace:
[0] Python:type_dealloc~(0x32fb4dc0, 0x33f70818, 0x34854f0b,
0x34844410) + 26 bytes
[1] Python:dict_dealloc~(0x33fef930, 0x348e4b40 "__builtin__",
0xb0b699bc, 0xb0b699b8) + 142 bytes
[2] Python:dict_dealloc~(0x33f429c0, 0x348ee58c "exitfunc",
0xb0b699d8, 0x348b96b0) + 142 bytes
[3] Python:_PyImport_Fini~(0x348ee58c "exitfunc", 0, 0, 0) + 82
[4] Python:Py_Finalize~(673024, 1, 0, 0x00ab4700) + 207 bytes
[5] libmex.dylib:SafeExitFunctionCall(void (*)())(0x30365df0,
0xb0b69ab8, 0xb0b69a80, 0x0073d01b) + 66 bytes
[6] libmex.dylib:mexClearMexFileDefault(impl_info_tag*)(0x33e0dce0,
1, 0, 0x015fa3d8 "7Mfh_mex") + 80 bytes
[7] libmex.dylib:safeMexClearMexFile(impl_info_tag*&)(0xb0b69bec
"‡‹‡3", 1, 0x015fc080, 0) + 76 bytes
[8] libmex.dylib:Mlm_mex::unload_file()(0x32b01290, 0, 0, 0) + 250
[9] libmwm_dispatcher.dylib:Mlm_file::unload_mf()(0x32b01290, 0, 0,
0) + 18 bytes
[10] libmwm_dispatcher.dylib:Mlm_MATLAB_fn::clear()(0x32b01290, 0,
0xb0b69c9c, 236) + 82 bytes
[11] libmwm_dispatcher.dylib:void clear<Mlmmf_string_matcher>
(Mlmmf_string_matcher, int)(0x05319c00, 0x33e24b8c "pytest",
0x30476300, 0x03f3b531 "pytest") + 296 bytes
[12] libmwm_dispatcher.dylib:mdClearFunctionsByName(0x33e24b8c
"pytest", 42, 0xb0b6adf8, 10) + 650 bytes
[13] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:InterpBridge::FullClearFcn(int,
mxArray_tag**, int, mxArray_tag**)(0x036225e0, 0, 0xb0b6af6c, 1) +
1234 bytes
[14] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inFullClearFcn(int, mxArray_tag**,
int, mxArray_tag**)(0, 0xb0b6af6c, 1, 0xb0b6afcc) + 50 bytes
[15] libmwm_dispatcher.dylib:Mfh_builtin::dispatch_mf(int,
mxArray_tag**, int, mxArray_tag**)(0x2dd025a0, 0, 0xb0b6af6c, 1) + 95
[16] libmwm_dispatcher.dylib:Mfh_MATLAB_fn::dispatch_fh(int,
mxArray_tag**, int, mxArray_tag**)(0x2dd025a0, 0, 0xb0b6af6c, 1) + 192
[17] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inDispatchFromStack(int, char const*,
int, int)(0, 0x304fa51c "clear", 0, 1) + 998 bytes
[18] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inDispatchCall(char const*, int, int,
int, int*, int*)(1, 0xb0b6b298, 0x33e11a28, 0x9322e76b) + 152 bytes
[19] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inInterp(inDebugCheck, int, int,
opcodes, inPcodeNest_tag volatile*, int*)(1, 0, 1, 0) + 5167 bytes
[20] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:protected_inInterp(inDebugCheck, int,
int, opcodes, inPcodeNest_tag*, int*)(1, 0, 1, 0) + 112 bytes
[21] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inInterPcodeSJ(inDebugCheck, int, int,
opcodes, inPcodeNest_tag*, int*)(0, 0x33e007d0, 0xb0b6b460,
0xb0b6b460) + 266 bytes
[22] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inExecuteMFunctionOrScript(Mfh_mp*,
bool)(0x33e263c0, 1, 0xb0b6b99c, 0) + 932 bytes
[23] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inRunMfile(int, mxArray_tag**, int,
mxArray_tag**, Mfh_mp*, inWorkSpace_tag*)(0, 0xb0b6b99c, 0, 0) + 696
[24] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:Mfh_mp::dispatch_file(int,
mxArray_tag**, int, mxArray_tag**)(0x33e263c0, 0, 0xb0b6b99c, 0) + 56
[25] libmwm_dispatcher.dylib:Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,
mxArray_tag**, int, mxArray_tag**)(0x33e263c0, 0, 0xb0b6b99c, 0) + 256
[26] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inEvalPcodeHeaderToWord
(_memory_context*, int, mxArray_tag**, _pcodeheader*, Mfh_mp*,
unsigned int)(0x000a2ac8 "§*\n", 0, 0xb0b6b99c, 0xb0b6b83c) + 252
[27] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inEvalStringWithIsVarFcn
(_memory_context*, char const*, EvalType, int, mxArray_tag**,
inDebugCheck, _pcodeheader*, int*, bool (*)(void*, char const*),
void*, bool, bool)(0, 0xb0b6b99c, 0, 0) + 1835 bytes
[28] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inEvalCmdWithLocalReturn(char const*,
int*, bool, bool, bool (*)(void*, char const*))(1, 0x004aeb20, 0, 0) +
148 bytes
[29] libmwm_interpreter.dylib:inEvalCmdWithLocalReturn(0x2e3e5e00
"clear pytest\n", 0, 0, 1) + 66 bytes
[30] libmwbridge.dylib:evalCommandWithLongjmpSafety(char const*)
(0x2e3e5e00 "clear pytest\n", 2, 0x2de28978, 4073223) + 108 bytes
[31] libmwbridge.dylib:mnParser(0xb0b6bb34, 0x0501fc00, 1, 0) + 666
[32] libmwmcr.dylib:mcrInstance::mnParser_on_interpreter_thread()
(0x0501fc00, 8, 0x05016000, 4) + 43 bytes
[33] libmwmcr.dylib:boost::function0<void>::operator()() const
(0x2dd33904 "ˆA", 0, 0xb0b6bc68, 171953) + 41 bytes
()(0x2dd338f0, 0, 0xb0b6bbe8, 172001) + 21 bytes
(long)(0x2dd338f0, 0, 0xb0b6bc38, 3636709) + 24 bytes
[36] libmwuix.dylib:uix_DispatchOrProcess(_XEvent*, _XtAppStruct*,
int, bool)(0, 15, 0x000f4240 "put_target_string_with_length",
0x4afd6790) + 476 bytes
[37] libmwuix.dylib:ws_ProcessPendingEventsHelper(int, int, bool)(1,
0xffffffff, 0, 852585) + 469 bytes
(boost::shared_ptr<mcr::runtime::InterpreterThread::Impl> const&)
(0x036519b0, 0xb0b6be68, 0, 0x03651960 "/Applications/
MATLAB_R2009a.app/..") + 376 bytes
[39] libmwmcr.dylib:mcr::runtime::InterpreterThread::Impl::run
(boost::shared_ptr<mcr::runtime::InterpreterThread::Impl> const&,
0xb0b6be68, 0xb0182cac, 4078061) + 410 bytes
[40] libmwmcr.dylib:run_init_and_handle_events(void*)(0xb0182cac, 0,
0, 0) + 52 bytes
[41] MATLAB:create_mcrInstance_and_run_mnParser(0xb0b6bf00 "@†A",
8816, 0, 0) + 553 bytes
[42] MATLAB:start(2, 0xbffff4d0 "§ıˇøÓıˇø", 0xb0b6c000 "DRHT",
0xffffffff) + -2223 bytes
[43] libmwmcr.dylib:runMcrMain(void*)(0xbffff440 "‡%", 0x04000000,
1, 0) + 39 bytes
[44] libSystem.B.dylib:_pthread_start~(0xb0b6c000 "DRHT", 13827,
0x004075f0, 0xbffff440 "‡%") + 345 bytes
[45] libSystem.B.dylib:thread_start~(0, 0, 0, 0x54485244) + 34 bytes
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