Is an interactive command a block?

Alf P. Steinbach alfps at
Thu Nov 19 15:37:17 EST 2009

The CPython 3.1.1 language reference ยง4.1 says

   "Each command typed interactively is a block."

It also says

   "If a name is bound in a block, it is a local variable of that block, unless
    declared as nonlocal"

Even with a non-literal try-for-best-meaning reading I can't get this to mesh 
with the actual behavior of the interpreter, e.g.

   >>> for x in "poi":
   ...    fandango = 666
   >>> fandango
   >>> _

My current understanding is (A) that the interpreter is correct in this respect 
(for one would harldly want the effects of statements to be fundamentally 
different in interpreted mode, except the presentation of expression results), 
and (B), but here I'm less sure, that the documentation is incorrect.

So what I'm asking about is mainly (B), because if the documentation is correct 
after all, then there's something I haven't grokked. :-)


- Alf

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