Newbie question about scrapy tutorial

Zeynel azeynel1 at
Sat Nov 21 14:00:58 EST 2009

Now I use EditpadPro and IDLE which appears to be adequate for
beginning level. But PyDev looks fun, I'll try it.

By the way, I realized that the spider sends the scraped data to the Now everything is working.

On Nov 21, 11:21 am, DreiJane <jo... at> wrote:
> Sorry,
> i have no idea what scrapy is - but i see, that you try to use
> idle with pipes or anything like that. That cannot work.
> idle doesn't even handle __file__ correctly. Use a full-fledged
> python IDE (PyDev under Eclipse leaves very few wishes open) or
> test in a python interpreter shell.
> Good luck, DreiJane

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