Creating a datetime object from a C Extention

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at
Mon Nov 30 04:07:22 EST 2009

> I'm writing a python C Extension and need to create datetime objects but
> when I call
> value = PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(ti->tm_year+1900, ti->tm_mon,
> ti->tm_mday, ti->tm_hour, ti->tm_min, ti->tm_sec, u);
> I get an SegFault.
> ti = {tm_sec = 25, tm_min = 37, tm_hour = 8, tm_mday = 30, tm_mon = 10,
>       tm_year = 109, tm_wday = 1, tm_yday = 333, tm_isdst = 0,
>       tm_gmtoff = 0, tm_zone = 0x800fd20c8 "UTC"}
> u = 0
> Is there an Dokumentation or example code HowTo create a datetime object
> from a C Extension.

You need to put PyDateTime_IMPORT; into your module's init function.


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