Can I run a python program from within emacs?
Jason Sewall
jasonsewall at
Sun Nov 1 11:15:25 EST 2009
On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Robinson <WanderingAengus at> wrote:
> I have also just started with both Aquamacs and Python so I ask for your
> patience as well.
> When I evaluate the buffer (C-c C-C) I don't see any response or output from
> my python program. Should another buffer open automatically? Should a
> terminal window open?
I don't know much about Aquamacs or the version of Emacs the Aquamacs
you are using is based on, but the C-c C-c command runs
py-execute-buffer. Try M-x py-execute-buffer <RET> and see what
happens. It should pop up a *Python Output* buffer, unless you're
actually running the python interpreter in Emacs, in which case the
code is run in that buffer.
If you're still having trouble, probably an Emacs or Aquamacs list is
a better place to look.
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