newbie question - python lists

Jon Clements joncle at
Fri Nov 6 10:17:24 EST 2009

On Nov 6, 2:15 pm, lee <san82m... at> wrote:
> hi,
> rfids= ['01','02']
> i = 01
> row = {}
> items = []
> for rfid in rfids:
>     brains = ['1','2']
>     if brains:
>         for brain in brains:
>             # this loop must run only once for each value of i
>             row['itemnos'] = 'item_0'+str(i)+'s'
>             print 'hi'
>             items.append(row)
>             print items
>             break
>     i=i+1
> the above code produces output a:
> [{'itemnos': 'item_02s'}, {'itemnos': 'item_02s'}]
> but i want it to be,
> [{'itemnos': 'item_01s'}, {'itemnos': 'item_02s'}]
> can anyone point wer am erroring.
> Thanks in advance.

You've made a good effort (and discovered at least one major common

There's lots in your code that needs highlighting. However, probably a
good starting point would to be describe in plain english, what you're
trying to achieve; Are you really sure you want a list of single item


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