installing lxml ?
Diez B. Roggisch
deets at
Wed Nov 11 09:37:15 EST 2009
7stud schrieb:
> I'm trying to install lxml, but I can't figure out the installation
> instructions. Here:
> it says:
> 1) Get the easy_install tool.
> Ok, I went to the easy_install website, downloaded, and installed it.
> The last two lines of the output during installation said this:
> Installing easy_install script to /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/
> Versions/2.6/bin
> Installing easy_install-2.6 script to /Library/Frameworks/
> Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin
> 2) the following as super-user (or administrator):
> easy_install lxml
> On MS Windows, the above will install the binary builds that we
> provide. If there is no binary build of the latest release yet, please
> search PyPI for the last release that has them and pass that version
> to easy_install like this:
> easy_install lxml==2.2.2
> On Linux (and most other well-behaved operating systems), easy_install
> will manage to build the source distribution as long as libxml2 and
> libxslt are properly installed, including development packages, i.e.
> header files, etc. Use your package management tool to look for
> packages like libxml2-dev or libxslt-devel if the build fails, and
> make sure they are installed.
> On MacOS-X, use the following to build the source distribution, and
> make sure you have a working Internet connection, as this will
> download libxml2 and libxslt in order to build them:
> STATIC_DEPS=true easy_install lxml
> -----------
> My os is mac os x 10.4.11. But this:
> STATIC_DEPS=true easy_install lxml
> is not a valid command:
> $ sudo STATIC_DEPS=true easy_install lxml
> Password:
> sudo: STATIC_DEPS=true: command not found
> In any case, if I do this:
> $ sudo easy_install lxml
> sudo: easy_install: command not found
> In other words, when I installed easy_install it did not add anything
> to my PATH which points to the installation directory mentioned during
> installation:
> Installing easy_install script to /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/
> Versions/2.6/bin
> Ok, so I need to use the full path to the easy_install program (which
> is not mentioned ANYWHERE in the installation instructions), i.e.
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/easy_install
> ...but this still isn't going to work:
> $ sudo STATIC_DEPS=true /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/
> 2.6/bin/easy_install lxml
> Password:
> sudo: STATIC_DEPS=true: command not found
> So what the heck is going on??
> Attention developers: you may be one of the best programmers in the
> world, but if you can't convey how to use your software to the average
> user, then you are the equivalent of one of the worst programmers on
> the planet.
Nonsense. First of all, developers aren't "the average user". Second,
the inability of others doesn't make a programmer worse. And third,
there are limits to what extend one can anticipate the ineptness of
others to read. The page you cite from starts with:
For special installation instructions regarding MS Windows and
MacOS-X, see below.
And below you find this link:
Which contains the proper command
STATIC_DEPS=true sudo easy_install lxml
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