How to get directory of Python C library
Diez B. Roggisch
deets at
Sun Nov 15 16:11:38 EST 2009
arve.knudsen at schrieb:
> On 15 Nov, 21:24, "Diez B. Roggisch" <de... at> wrote:
>> arve.knud... at schrieb:
>>> On 15 Nov, 20:05, "Diez B. Roggisch" <de... at> wrote:
>>>> arve.knud... at schrieb:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> I need to link against Python, is there a way to get the path to the
>>>>> directory containing Python's C library (e.g., <exec-prefix>/libs on
>>>>> Windows)?
>>>> Most probably from the registry somehow. In general, try & locate a
>>>> python-executable, and make it execute
>>>> python -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"
>>>> Capture that, and you're done. Depending on the OS, the libs then are
>>>> placed in e.g. <prefix>/lib.
>>> That doesn't solve anything, the hard part is figuring out the part
>>> after <prefix> ..
>> AFAIK is that only varying based on the OS. Under unix, it's
>> <prefix>/lib/python<version>/
>> You can get the platform via sys.platform.
> Well, my point is that I should like a way to query for this
> directory, just as I can query distutils.sysconfig for the include
> directory and Python library (i.e., the standard Python library)
> directory. It's not trivial to figure out Python's installation scheme
> so long as it's not written in stone ..
Well, than how about you word your question like that? But there is no
simple function to call. So the answer to the question you asked is: no.
I showed you a way that works for current python, and consists of
stitching together a number of informations.
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