Python & Go
Terry Reedy
tjreedy at
Mon Nov 16 04:00:59 EST 2009
Simon Forman wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
>> Paul Rubin wrote:
>>> Mark Chu-Carroll has a new post about Go:
>> In a couple of minutes, I wrote his toy prime filter example in Python,
>> mostly from the text rather than the code, which I can barely stand to read.
>> It ran the first time without error.
>> def plurals():
>> i = 2
>> while True:
>> yield i
>> i += 1
>> def primefilter(src, prime):
>> for i in src:
>> if i % prime:
>> yield i
>> src = plurals()
>> while True:
>> i = next(src)
>> print(i)
>> src = primefilter(src, i)
>> As I commented there
>> "It stopped at 7877 when it hit the default recursion limit of 1000, which
>> could easily be increased to get out-of-memory error instead.
>> I think Google is making a blunder if it moves to another old-fashioned
>> language whose code is bloated with junky boilerplate that doubles the size.
>> It would be much better, for instance, to tweak Python, which it has had
>> great success with, to better run on multiple cores."
>> Terry Jan Reedy
> def plurals():
> i = 3
> while True:
> yield i
> i += 2
Of course, in fact, I thought of at the time
def plurals():
i = 6
while True:
yield i-1
yield i+1
i += 6
5,7, 11,13, 17,19, 23,(25-first miss), 29,31, (35-2nd miss),37, 41,43,
47,(49 erd)...Reduced the base cases by another 1/3. I *think* without
measuring, that that compensates for the extra -1,+1. But I was
implementing *Mark's* toy example, and first posted it on his blog, so I
copied his naive version.
Even better, to avoid extra -1, +1
def plurals():
yield 2
yield 3
i = 5
while True:
yield i
i += 2
yield i
i += 4
Of course, testing with primes greater that square root(candidate) is
wasteful, and recusion should be converted to iteration to avoid
recursion limit.
Terry Jan Reedy
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