Writing a Carriage Return in Unicode
sturlamolden at yahoo.no
Sat Nov 21 04:59:09 EST 2009
On 21 Nov, 08:10, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr... at ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> Of course, if you are describing a /real/ /manual/ typewriter, you
> would rapidly discover that the sequence is <lf><cr> -- since pushing
> the bar would often trigger the line feed before it would slide the
> carriage to the right.
> But on a teletype, it would be <cr><lf>, and maybe a few <rub-outs>
> for timing -- as the <cr> was the slower operation, and would complete
> while the other characters were operated upon...
Ah, yes you are right :-)
The sequence is <lf><cr> on a typewriter.
Which is why the RETURN button often had the symbol
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