Securing a multiprocessing.BaseManager connection via SSL
Xavier Sanz
x.sanz35 at
Tue Nov 24 17:11:45 EST 2009
I recommend u to test it before use it in production environment.
On 24 nov, 22:45, Xavier Sanz <x.san... at> wrote:
> Hi Jonas
> I've having same need so i found a solution but you need to hack a bit
> I am using python 2.6.3 but i suppose it could be applicable to your
> case.
> First of all u need to edit /usr/lib/python2.6/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/
> This is mine:
> #
> # A higher level module for using sockets (or Windows named pipes)
> #
> #multiprocessing/
> #
> # Copyright (c) 2006-2008, R Oudkerk --- see COPYING.txt
> #
> __all__ = [ 'Client', 'Listener', 'Pipe' ]
> import os
> import sys
> import socket
> import errno
> import time
> import tempfile
> import itertools
> # Added by Xavi
> import ssl
> import _multiprocessing
> frommultiprocessingimport current_process, AuthenticationError
> frommultiprocessing.util import get_temp_dir, Finalize, sub_debug,
> debug
> frommultiprocessing.forking import duplicate, close
> #
> #
> #
> BUFSIZE = 8192
> _mmap_counter = itertools.count()
> default_family = 'AF_INET'
> families = ['AF_INET']
> if hasattr(socket, 'AF_UNIX'):
> default_family = 'AF_UNIX'
> families += ['AF_UNIX']
> if sys.platform == 'win32':
> default_family = 'AF_PIPE'
> families += ['AF_PIPE']
> #
> #
> #
> def arbitrary_address(family):
> '''
> Return an arbitrary free address for the given family
> '''
> if family == 'AF_INET':
> return ('localhost', 0)
> elif family == 'AF_UNIX':
> return tempfile.mktemp(prefix='listener-', dir=get_temp_dir())
> elif family == 'AF_PIPE':
> return tempfile.mktemp(prefix=r'\\.\pipe\pyc-%d-%d-' %
> (os.getpid(),
> else:
> raise ValueError('unrecognized family')
> def address_type(address):
> '''
> Return the types of the address
> This can be 'AF_INET', 'AF_UNIX', or 'AF_PIPE'
> '''
> if type(address) == tuple:
> return 'AF_INET'
> elif type(address) is str and address.startswith('\\\\'):
> return 'AF_PIPE'
> elif type(address) is str:
> return 'AF_UNIX'
> else:
> raise ValueError('address type of %r unrecognized' % address)
> #
> # Public functions
> #
> class Listener(object):
> '''
> Returns a listener object.
> This is a wrapper for a bound socket which is 'listening' for
> connections, or for a Windows named pipe.
> '''
> def __init__(self, address=None, family=None, backlog=1,
> authkey=None, sslsock=True):
> family = family or (address and address_type(address)) \
> or default_family
> address = address or arbitrary_address(family)
> if family == 'AF_PIPE':
> self._listener = PipeListener(address, backlog)
> else:
> self._listener = SocketListener(address, family, backlog,
> sslsock)
> if authkey is not None and not isinstance(authkey, bytes):
> raise TypeError, 'authkey should be a byte string'
> self._authkey = authkey
> def accept(self):
> '''
> Accept a connection on the bound socket or named pipe of
> `self`.
> Returns a `Connection` object.
> '''
> c = self._listener.accept()
> if self._authkey:
> deliver_challenge(c, self._authkey)
> answer_challenge(c, self._authkey)
> return c
> def close(self):
> '''
> Close the bound socket or named pipe of `self`.
> '''
> return self._listener.close()
> address = property(lambda self: self._listener._address)
> last_accepted = property(lambda self:
> self._listener._last_accepted)
> def Client(address, family=None, authkey=None, sslsock=True):
> '''
> Returns a connection to the address of a `Listener`
> '''
> family = family or address_type(address)
> if family == 'AF_PIPE':
> c = PipeClient(address)
> else:
> c = SocketClient(address,sslsock)
> if authkey is not None and not isinstance(authkey, bytes):
> raise TypeError, 'authkey should be a byte string'
> if authkey is not None:
> answer_challenge(c, authkey)
> deliver_challenge(c, authkey)
> return c
> if sys.platform != 'win32':
> def Pipe(duplex=True):
> '''
> Returns pair of connection objects at either end of a pipe
> '''
> if duplex:
> s1, s2 = socket.socketpair()
> c1 = _multiprocessing.Connection(os.dup(s1.fileno()))
> c2 = _multiprocessing.Connection(os.dup(s2.fileno()))
> s1.close()
> s2.close()
> else:
> fd1, fd2 = os.pipe()
> c1 = _multiprocessing.Connection(fd1, writable=False)
> c2 = _multiprocessing.Connection(fd2, readable=False)
> return c1, c2
> else:
> from ._multiprocessing import win32
> def Pipe(duplex=True):
> '''
> Returns pair of connection objects at either end of a pipe
> '''
> address = arbitrary_address('AF_PIPE')
> if duplex:
> openmode = win32.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX
> access = win32.GENERIC_READ | win32.GENERIC_WRITE
> obsize, ibsize = BUFSIZE, BUFSIZE
> else:
> openmode = win32.PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND
> access = win32.GENERIC_WRITE
> obsize, ibsize = 0, BUFSIZE
> h1 = win32.CreateNamedPipe(
> address, openmode,
> win32.PIPE_WAIT,
> 1, obsize, ibsize, win32.NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER, win32.NULL
> )
> h2 = win32.CreateFile(
> address, access, 0, win32.NULL, win32.OPEN_EXISTING, 0,
> win32.NULL
> )
> win32.SetNamedPipeHandleState(
> h2, win32.PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, None, None
> )
> try:
> win32.ConnectNamedPipe(h1, win32.NULL)
> except WindowsError, e:
> if e.args[0] != win32.ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED:
> raise
> c1 = _multiprocessing.PipeConnection(h1, writable=duplex)
> c2 = _multiprocessing.PipeConnection(h2, readable=duplex)
> return c1, c2
> #
> # Definitions for connections based on sockets
> #
> class SocketListener(object):
> '''
> Representation of a socket which is bound to an address and
> listening
> '''
> # Aadido sslsock por xavi
> def __init__(self, address, family, backlog=1, sslsock=True):
> self._socket = socket.socket(getattr(socket, family))
> if sslsock == True:
> print "SSL Enabled"
> self._socket = ssl.wrap_socket
> (self._socket,certfile="cert.pem",server_side=True,ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
> self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,
> socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
> self._socket.bind(address)
> self._socket.listen(backlog)
> self._address = self._socket.getsockname()
> self._family = family
> self._last_accepted = None
> if family == 'AF_UNIX':
> self._unlink = Finalize(
> self, os.unlink, args=(address,), exitpriority=0
> )
> else:
> self._unlink = None
> def accept(self):
> s, self._last_accepted = self._socket.accept()
> fd = duplicate(s.fileno())
> conn = _multiprocessing.Connection(fd)
> s.close()
> return conn
> def close(self):
> self._socket.close()
> if self._unlink is not None:
> self._unlink()
> def SocketClient(address, sslsock=True):
> '''
> Return a connection object connected to the socket given by
> `address`
> '''
> family = address_type(address)
> s = socket.socket( getattr(socket, family) )
> if sslsock == True:
> '''
> print "SSL Enabled"
> '''
> s = ssl.wrap_socket
> (s,ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1,cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE,ca_certs=None)
> while 1:
> try:
> s.connect(address)
> except socket.error, e:
> if e.args[0] != errno.ECONNREFUSED: # connection refused
> debug('failed to connect to address %s', address)
> raise
> time.sleep(0.01)
> else:
> break
> else:
> raise
> fd = duplicate(s.fileno())
> conn = _multiprocessing.Connection(fd)
> s.close()
> return conn
> #
> # Definitions for connections based on named pipes
> #
> if sys.platform == 'win32':
> class PipeListener(object):
> '''
> Representation of a named pipe
> '''
> def __init__(self, address, backlog=None):
> self._address = address
> handle = win32.CreateNamedPipe(
> address, win32.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX,
> |
> win32.PIPE_WAIT,
> )
> self._handle_queue = [handle]
> self._last_accepted = None
> sub_debug('listener created with address=%r',
> self._address)
> self.close = Finalize(
> self, PipeListener._finalize_pipe_listener,
> args=(self._handle_queue, self._address),
> exitpriority=0
> )
> def accept(self):
> newhandle = win32.CreateNamedPipe(
> self._address, win32.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX,
> |
> win32.PIPE_WAIT,
> )
> self._handle_queue.append(newhandle)
> handle = self._handle_queue.pop(0)
> try:
> win32.ConnectNamedPipe(handle, win32.NULL)
> except WindowsError, e:
> if e.args[0] != win32.ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED:
> raise
> return _multiprocessing.PipeConnection(handle)
> @staticmethod
> def _finalize_pipe_listener(queue, address):
> sub_debug('closing listener with address=%r', address)
> for handle in queue:
> close(handle)
> def PipeClient(address):
> '''
> Return a connection object connected to the pipe given by...
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