Using struct to read binary files
Tim Chase
python.list at
Thu Nov 26 22:22:47 EST 2009
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> f = open("/tmp/mbrcontent", "rb")
> contents =
> f.close()
> firstSectorAddress = contents[454:458]
> numSectors = contents[458:462]
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On my machine, the bytes contained in firstSectorAddress are
> "\x3F\x00\x00\x00", and the bytes contained in numSectors are
> "\x20\x1F\x80\x01". I know from doing a pen and paper calculation
> that the first sector address is 63, and the number of sectors is
> 25,173,792 (the numbers are stored in little-endian format).
> How do I figure that out programmatically? I think that I can use
> struct.unpack() to do this, but I'm not quite sure how to use it.
To pull out little-endian data, you can use struct.unpack() like
>>> struct.unpack('<L', firstSectorAddress)
>>> struct.unpack('<L', numSectors)
It's a curious problem I haven't toyed with boot-sectors since my
ASM days back on a 286, so I threw together the following code
which you're welcome to tear apart and remash as you see fit.
import struct
mbr = file('mbrcontent', 'rb').read()
partition_table = mbr[446:510]
signature = struct.unpack('<H', mbr[510:512])[0]
little_endian = (signature == 0xaa55) # should be True
print "Little endian:", little_endian
PART_FMT = (little_endian and '<' or '>') + (
"B" # status (0x80 = bootable (active), 0x00 = non-bootable)
# CHS of first block
"B" # Head
"B" # Sector is in bits 5; bits 9 of cylinder are in bits 7-6
"B" # bits 7-0 of cylinder
"B" # partition type
# CHS of last block
"B" # Head
"B" # Sector is in bits 5; bits 9 of cylinder are in bits 7-6
"B" # bits 7-0 of cylinder
"L" # LBA of first sector in the partition
"L" # number of blocks in partition, in little-endian format
fmt_size = struct.calcsize(PART_FMT)
# sanity check expectations
assert fmt_size == PART_SIZE, \
"Partition format string is %i bytes, not %i" % (
fmt_size, PART_SIZE)
def cyl_sector(sector_cyl, cylinder7_0):
sector = sector_cyl & 0x1F # bits 5-0
# bits 7-6 of sector_cyl contain bits 9-8 of the cylinder
cyl_high = (sector_cyl >> 5) & 0x03
cyl = (cyl_high << 8) | cylinder7_0
return sector, cyl
for partition in range(4):
print "Partition #%i" % partition,
offset = PART_SIZE * partition
start_head, start_sector_cyl, start_cyl7_0,
end_head, end_sector_cyl, end_cyl7_0,
) = struct.unpack(
partition_table[offset:offset + PART_SIZE]
if status == 0x80:
print "Bootable",
elif status:
print "Unknown status [%s]" % hex(status),
print "Type=0x%x" % part_type
start = (start_head,) + cyl_sector(
start_sector_cyl, start_cyl7_0)
end = (end_head,) + cyl_sector(
end_sector_cyl, end_cyl7_0)
print " (Start: Heads:%i\tCyl:%i\tSect:%i)" % start
print " (End: Heads:%i\tCyl:%i\tSect:%i)" % end
print " LBA:", lba
print " Blocks:", blocks
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