Object Relational Mappers are evil (a meditation)

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Tue Oct 6 05:19:24 EDT 2009

Diez B. Roggisch a écrit :
> Aaron Watters schrieb:
>> FOR EXAMPLE:  Consider blogging.  The most
>> successful blog software is WORDPRESS.  Here
>> is the WordPress data model:
>> http://blog.kapish.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/wp_2.7.png
>> Now let's look at the Sakai Blogger tool data model
>> confluence.sakaiproject.org/download/attachments/17072138/
>> entitymodel.pdf
> I think your example is nonsense. Just comparing the two models based on 
> "they both are for blogging" 

FWIW, sakai seems to be a wiki, not a blog. And I would add that not 
having a nice graphical *representation* of a schema doesn't imply the 
schema is wrong from a relational design POV.

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