breaking out to the debugger (other than x=1/0 !)

bdb112 boyd.blackwell at
Fri Oct 23 12:50:37 EDT 2009

That's perfect - and removing the "breakpoint" is not an issue for me
as it is normally conditional on a debug level, which I can change
from pydb

if debuglvl>3:
    import pydb
    'in XXX:  c to continue'

The text line is a useful prompt

(The example here is for pydb which works as well (and is more like

On Oct 23, 12:07 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <de... at> wrote:
> bdb112 wrote:
> > After a while programming in python, I still don't know how to break
> > out to the debugger other than inserting an instruction to cause an
> > exception.
> > x=1/0
> > In IDL one woudl write
> > stop,'reason for stopping...'
> > at which point you can inspect locals (as in pdb) and continue (but
> > you can't with pdb if python stopped because of an exception)
> > I am using ipython -pylab -pdb (python 2.5,2.6)
> > Yes, I realise that I could start with the debugger, and set break
> > points, but that can be slower and sometimes cause problems, and I
> > like ipython's magic features.
> > Also, I don't know how to stop cleanly handing control back to ipython
> > inside a program - e.g. after printing help text.
> I use
>  import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
> Of course that can't be deleted as breakpoint - but it suits me well.
> Diez

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