Re: Python 2.6 Deprecation Warnings with __new__ — Can someone explain why?

Simon Forman sajmikins at
Mon Oct 26 13:55:54 EDT 2009

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:04 AM, rh0dium <steven.klass at> wrote:
> Now the real question I have on this is scalability.  The real

What you're describing isn't "scalability".  It could be called "extensibility".

> advantage to using *args and **kwargs is that down the road (through
> inheritance/polymorphism) I may not know what I'm being given (isn't
> that the essence of duck-typing). My long standing belief is that by
> using *args and **kwargs I plan for future additions with minimal
> changes to my code.  So doesn't restricting this just defeat the
> purpose?


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