ftpilb.FTP.stor...() freeze mystery

Anthra Norell anthra.norell at bluewin.ch
Tue Oct 27 06:53:36 EDT 2009

  I am trying to upload a bunch of web pages to a hosting service. I 
have a connected ftplib.FTP object and can upload files manually from an 
IDLE command line using the methods storlines () for html files and 
storbinary () for the pictures. So far no problem. In order to upload 
the whole set of files I wrote a loop that iterates through the file 
names and calls either of the stor... () methods as appropriate. The 
loop successfully uploads eight of some twenty files and then freezes. 
Ctrl-C doesn't unlock the freeze. I have to kill the IDLE window which 
raises a confirmation request "are you sure? The program is still 
running." Having no alternative I am sure. I open a new IDLE window and 
start over. Every retry fails the exact same way.
   My upload method with the loop has a preview mode. It goes through 
all the motions including opening and closing my source files but skips 
the stor... () methods and in addition displays all commands. The 
preview mode completes the iteration sequence and shows nothing unexpected.
   What could be the problem? I am totally 
fazed and will be most grateful for expert suggestions.


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