ConfigParser.items sorting
Dean McClure
bratprince at
Wed Oct 28 02:21:00 EDT 2009
Just wondering how I can get the items() command from ConfigParser to
not resort all the item pairs that it presents.
I am trying to get it to read some data in order:
[Relay Info]
relay_name: IPC
relay_current_range: [60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100,
104, 108, 112, 116]
relay_current_mutliplier: [1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4]
relay_i: arcfc/(relay_current_range*relay_current_mutliplier)
so I can input the data and then eval() the equation at the end but
when I go
config.items('Relay Info')
It mixes everything up, is there a way to stop this?
Here is my selection code
variables = sorted(config.items('Relay Info'))
#Get inputs from user for each variable
for variable in variables:
if variable[0] == 'relay_name':
vars()[variable[0]] = variable[1]
vars()[variable[0]] = 'not a real thing this is just a fake that
will never turn up to establish the variable'
if variable[1][0] == '[' and variable[1][-1] == ']':
if variable[0] != 'Any':
while (variable[1].count(vars()[variable[0]]) < 1):
vars()[variable[0]] = raw_input(str(variable)[1:-1] + "\n")
if variable[1].count(vars()[variable[0]]) < 1:
print 'Setting unavailable'
vars()[variable[0]] = raw_input(str(variable)[1:-1] + "\n")
vars()[variable[0]] = variable[1]
vars()[variable[0]] = float(eval(vars()[variable[0]]))
Thanks for the help!
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