WMI remote call in python script to create process on remote windows computer
Dave Angel
davea at ieee.org
Wed Oct 7 21:57:34 EDT 2009
David Jackson wrote:
> ok, cut and pasted, but changed the username/password to protect the innocent.
> this is from interactive prompt.
> let me know if i am still not doing the slashes correctly please.
> i doubt authentication is the issue.; i can get pid information using
> WQL queries.
> objCreateProc.Create expects 4 strings (not objects?), right?
> version info:
>>>> sys.version
> '2.6 (r26:66721, Oct 2 2008, 11:35:03) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]'
>>>> import win32com.client
>>>> computer = "servername"
>>>> strUser = "servername\\my_account"
>>>> strPassword ="shh_secret"
>>>> objSWbemLocator = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
>>>> objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer(computer, r"root\cimv2",strUser,strPassword)
>>>> objCreateProc = objSWbemServices.Get("Win32_Process")
>>>> ProcessID = u"200"
>>>> objCreateProc.Create(u"cmd /c ping >>c:\\temp\\finall.log",u"c:\\temp",u' ',ProcessID )
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
> how can i see the method available?
>>>> help(objCreateProc) just gives me "Help on instance of CDispatch in module win32com.client:"
> Thanks
> David
Looks to me like
objCreateProc.Create has an integer value.
You could add a print for that value before the call to objCreateProc.Create(). (Leave off the parentheses on the print statement)
My guess is that you've got an address there, but I have no idea how to convert that to a valid Python function pointer. Is there reasonable docs for WMI somewhere?
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