does anyone know how to use libjeg from within memory in python

Chris Colbert sccolbert at
Tue Oct 13 06:12:25 EDT 2009

In answering my own question, this can be done trivially with PIL.
Here is a self contained example:

In [1]: import httplib

In [2]: from PIL import ImageFile

In [3]: import numpy as np

In [4]: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')

In [5]: conn.request('GET', '/dump/IMG_0408_rs.JPG')

In [6]: r1 = conn.getresponse()

In [7]: r1.status
Out[7]: 200

In [8]: data =

In [9]: parser = ImageFile.Parser()

In [10]: parser.feed(data)

In [11]: img = parser.close()

In [12]:

In [13]: numpyimg = np.asarray(img)

In [14]: numpyimg.shape
Out[14]: (768, 1024, 3)

In [15]: numpyimg.dtype
Out[15]: dtype('uint8')

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Chris Colbert <sccolbert at> wrote:
> Say I use python to talk to a wireless webcamera that delivers images
> via http requests.
> I request an image and read it into a buffer, but the image is in jpeg format.
> I would like to convert this to a simple RGB format buffer to pass to
> numpy. Has anyone managed this using libjpeg or any other lib?
> Cheers!
> Chris

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