SimpleXMLRPCServer clobbering sys.stderr? (2.5.2)

Joseph Turian turian at
Sun Oct 18 23:12:51 EDT 2009

> Here's what I see:
> * If I use logging to write the output, I don't see any output in the
> server log, but the client gets correct results.
> * If I use sys.stderrto write the output, I don't see any output in
> the server log AND the client gets INcorrect results.
> * If I use sys.stdout to write the output, I DO see any output in the
> server log AND the client gets correct results.

Oh, one more thing.

If I write sys.stdout and then issue:
It appears that the handler aborts at that point and gets no further
into the method.
Why would this happen?


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